Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Disability in the Arts: Keith Salmon

            Keith Salmon represents our fourth artist for the disability of the arts. He has made some remarkable journeys throughout his life, but it all began in 1959 when he was born. There is not much to say about his childhood, but things started to get interesting as he moves into his college years.
            When he goes off to Shrewsbury College of Arts and Technology and the Falmouth School of Art, he is able to eventually obtain a bachelors of art. After training, he began his artist journey as a sculptor, but that did not work out for very long because his eye sight started to quickly deteriorate in his thirties, which made him visually impaired. Therefore, he had to come up with a new direction for his artwork to go in quickly. At this point, he still had some eyesight left, but not much.

            He put all his effort into finding new methods of creating artwork that did not require him to use much of his eyesight. He found that drawing and painting would be the best mediums to go into, so he dove right in to it. Overtime, he developed two different types of styles. One of his styles was organized scribbles that form a drawing and the other was bigger marks in oil of acrylic in paintings. He has now started to combine these two styles into one.

            Salmon’s inspiration comes from the Scottish Highlands. He uses the memories from his experiences to create beautiful artwork.  He is a mountain climber and has climbed over a hundred Munros, which are Scottish mountains. His just wants to convey to others on how he experiences these wonderful places. 

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